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A seasoned campaigner

4 min read

With a defence career stretching over four decades, Johan Hägg was well-placed to provide expert insights for Saab’s ‘Shielding the Baltic Sea’ film series.

When Johan Hägg was interviewed for Saab’s new ‘Shielding the Baltic Sea’ film series, he had an extraordinary depth of knowledge to draw on. As well as having spent nearly 17 years at Saab in a wide variety of roles, his résumé includes 20 years as a seaman and officer with the Swedish Navy, including secondments with international armed forces. That mix of real-life military experience combined with a career developing cutting-edge technology has provided him with a firm grasp of the complex challenges facing the Baltic region.

“To effectively defend the Baltic Sea, you need a complete societal system,”

“To effectively defend the Baltic Sea, you need a complete societal system,” he says. “All the parts of society have to come together to give you the capabilities you need. You have to have your infrastructure, your people, your training, your technology and your research, and all that together as a baseline can build the capabilities you see at the end. You can’t just throw money at the problem.”


Given that the current geopolitical situation is increasing the strategic importance of the Baltic, Johan is extremely pleased that the Baltic Sea series has captured the imagination of people in defence as well as the wider community. More than 100,000 people have clicked play on episodes within the series since its launch in May 2024. “I'm really surprised by the reach of it,” he says. “And I'm very happy that people find it interesting.

Watch the series "Shielding the Baltic Sea" on YouTube

Focus on 9LV

With a career at Saab stretching back to 2007, the Baltic series was not the first time Johan had faced the cameras for the company. He has previously delivered Saab live press briefings and taken part in webcasts. But being interviewed for the series still broadened his knowledge of content production. “The new experience was the professionalism around the film team. There was not just a person on a camera, it was like a whole set. I found it interesting when they asked me to repeat my answer so they could film from alternative angles.”

Johan and the film team during the filming of the series.
“9LV has always been in the middle”

At Saab, Johan’s career has largely revolved around out 9LV Combat Management System. “I am the Product Manager for 9LV and have an overall responsibility for the long-term development and success of the product,” he says. “So, I try to gather the ideas and thoughts we need to develop our system and I try to direct the development so we can ensure that 9LV is relevant to our users today and absolutely tomorrow as well.” While Johan has also worked within line management, in the product arena and on projects, he says “9LV has always been in the middle”.

A perfect mix

Johan joined the Swedish Navy as a gunnery technician and worked his way over the operational side, including being commanding officer of Swedish ships. His last job with the Armed Forces was with Naval Task Force 448 outside Lebanon. As well as service in the Swedish Navy, he undertook secondments to the German and Norwegian Navies. He served as the Assistant Chief of Staff Operations and Training on a German F123 class frigate.

“I like to have a foot in the naval realm because I really loved my period in the Navy,”

Johan says his job at Saab has allowed him to combine his two passions. “I like to have a foot in the naval realm because I really loved my period in the Navy,” he says. “And to mix that with technology and the wonderful people at Saab has been sort of the perfect recipe for me.”

“I really enjoy working here,”

He says he finds his work extremely fulfilling. “I really enjoy working here,” he says. “Right now we’re experiencing growth and the defence forces are experiencing growth. I'd like to contribute and to leave defence in a very good state so that I can retire and look on the ships and the systems they have with comfort and joy. But there's another 10 years to go before then.”


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