SAAB och BAE SYSTEMS förstärker Gripen-samarbetet
Saab och BAE SYSTEMS förstärker Gripen-samarbetet Saab och brittiska BAE SYSTEMS samarbetar sedan 1995 i ett joint-venture för marknadsföring och försäljning av Gripen. För att ytterligare förstärka samarbetet och öka möjligheterna till fortsatt export, bildas ett gemensamägt bolag kallat Gripen International. Gripen International registreras som ett kommanditbolag i Sverige men kommer att vara verksamt i både Sverige och Storbritannien med personal från Saab och BAE SYSTEMS. Följande pressmeddelande sänder Saab Aerospace och BAE SYSTEMS gemensamt ut idag. SAAB and BAE SYSTEMS empowers the Gripen Joint Venture The recent success of Gripen in the export market has demonstrated the potential of the BAE SYSTEMS and Saab joint approach to securing export sales for the aircraft. Significant market interest in the Gripen has resulted in campaigns in a number of countries. BAE SYSTEMS and Saab will be working closely together to secure and deliver export contracts for this excellent defence system for many years to come. In order to maximise the return from our marketing investment, and to ensure effective co-ordination of our activities through contract delivery, we have decided to strengthen our export alliance through the further enhancement of our Joint Venture company, now named Gripen International. The company will be registered in Sweden, and populated by staff from both shareholders and co-located in offices both in Sweden and the UK, thereby combining the strength of the two nations in the support of the Gripen export. The new company will be formed from 3:rd September this year. The resources of Gripen International will be reporting through its Managing Director to a joint Board and equally owned by the two shareholders. We are pleased to announce the appointment of Ian McNamee as Managing Director of Gripen International, and Kjell Möller as Deputy Managing Director. Ian was formerly the Managing Director of Thomson Marconi Sonar Limited. Kjell was previously Head of Marketing within Saab Aerospace and led Saab's contribution to the South African and other Gripen campaigns. "This is an important step to focus the activities for the Gripen export as we now create a single prime contract management structure and it confirms our strong commitment to meet all demands from the market" states Ian McNamee, the newly appointed Managing Director of Gripen International. The establishment of Gripen International comes at a time when the Swedish Airforce is preparing for engagement of Gripen in international peace support operations. "This will further strengthen our market position as it combines the export requirements with the Swedish needs for international interoperability" concludes Kjell Möller, the new Deputy Managing Director of the joint venture company. Saab är ett av världens ledande högteknologiska företag med huvudsaklig verksamhet inom försvar, flyg och rymd. Inom Saab finns en rad spetskompetenser och förmågan till systemintegration. För vidare information, var vänlig kontakta: Peter Larsson, Informationschef Saab Aerospace Mobile: +46 70 989 71 09 Office: +46 13 18 29 10 ------------------------------------------------------------ Denna information skickades av Waymaker Följande filer finns att ladda ned: