Class-Leading Airborne AIS
Airborne AIS transponders provide significant advantages for operations in maritime environments. The aircraft literally takes AIS observation to new heights, allowing an overview that very much extends beyond the horizon of what a shipborne transponder can see. It is also a way to easily keep track of where the aircraft is, for example to monitor search patterns in search and rescue operations.
Flexible Platform
Our airborne AIS transponders are developed specifically for use onboard aircrafts and meet relevant requirements for onboard installation. Our AIS transponders can be installed either as standalone units or integrated with other onboard systems such as radars, mission management systems or digital map generators.
Strong Legacy
Saab has been developing and producing military and commercial aircraft for more than 80 years. The company also has a long tradition of integrating avionics. Based upon this knowledge and capability, every effort has been made to ensure the quality and reliability of our airborne AIS products.