Keeping you cool
In sweltering climates, the temperature inside vehicles can be unbearable for troops, damaging electronic equipment and cause massive waste of power just for cooling. Our CoolCam reduces interior temperatures assively and improves air-conditioning system efficiency.
In addition the solution minimises heat build-up from solar loading and from operating in hot climatic regions like deserts and tropical regions.
Colours, near-infrared values and patterns can be adapted to the environmental conditions of the intended region. Conspicuous parts of a vehicle can be furnished with additional contour disruptors.
HeaT Reduction
CoolCam adopts our HeaT Reduction system to decrease interior temperatures and improve air-conditioning system efficiency while moving or during combat. HeaT is flexible with many configurations.
HeaT Reduction CoolCam works through a combination of insulation and reflection of solar radiation, preventing the vehicle’s surface from heating up during the daytime solar cycle. Apart from reducing the internal temperature, it also provides cooler surface areas, thereby facilitating work and personnel movement outside the vehicle.
Improving air-conditioning systems
To reduce internal heat, many modern vehicles have an air-conditioning system. CoolCam can improve this system’s efficiency, reduce the required power supply and help when the air-conditioning system cannot be used.
3D surface structure
CoolCam’s non-glossy 3D surface structure helps a vehicle to blend in with the surroundings and obstructs visual detection.
A variety of options are available for improving and customising CoolCam. Two popular options are Shading Umbrellas and Vehicle Load Carriage Systems.
Multispectral Shading Umbrellas obstruct thermal and visual reconnaissance for enemies, including snipers, while allowing outward user observation. The system also offers shade and significantly reduces solar heating. Its lightweight feature permits rapid deployment and stowage, and has been proven on many vehicles.
The Vehicle Load Carriage System offers an easy way of stowing extra materials, such as ammunition, water and personal equipment, on the vehicle’s exterior. It consists of a series of straps that are sewn onto CoolCam, on which pouches and different size bags can be attached.
Signature Management
Signature Management is at the core of our products. Our technology minimises the contrast between an object and the background, making sensory detection much harder. Signature Management reduces exposure and distance identification, which forces enemies to move closer in order to engage.
True multispectral
Saab's camouflage solutions offers true multispectral capabilities against a wide range of sensor. These are the properties for the product:
The human eye is naturally skilled at perceiving the surrounding environment. The non-glossy structure, pattern and colours of our products enable vehicles and objects to blend in with their surroundings and avoid visual detection.
Natural environments reflect differently depending on a variety of factors, including climate and its interactions with solar radiation. Night vision devices are needed to be able to detect reflections at night. Our products feature patterns that are adjusted perfectly to match NIR reflections of the environment.
Further enhancement
For further enhancement, CoolCam can be integrated with all our Mobile Camouflage Systems and equipped with the Ballistic Protection Systems.
Barracuda Academy – become a master of camouflage
Modern signature management is one of the very few disruptive technologies that can break an enemy’s awareness. Barracuda Academy gives students a theoretical and practical understanding of it.
Through our world-class expert-led courses, you can increase your knowledge of modern signature management to:
- Gain the tactical edge through concealment
- Identify battlefield threats
- Enhance survivability of your forces
This course gives users the tools and knowledge needed to excel in the art of signature management. Effective camouflage will improve your force’s survivability and make sure you always have the tactical advantage in the field.
The programme covers both indoor learning and practical outdoor demonstrations, including a close look at threat sensors, decoys, various field trials and information about the production, quality control and design processes.
This special course is for instructors who need to be ahead of their students, and can be customised according to user requirements and held in their country.
It gives instructors the tools to train prospective signature management operators. The course also ensures that procedure, protocol and our decades of experience can be applied to maximise the survivability of field operators.
This course can be customised according to user requirements, and can be held in their own nation.
Partnering with Saab
We are the only complete system house within signature management. We design and manufacture a comprehensive range of Camouflage, Concealment and Deception solutions for soldiers, platforms and units.
All parts of your force, from the single soldier on a mission in a sensor dense environment, to a fully multispectral camouflaged operational base, every asset requires the capability to minimize the probability to be detected. At Saab, we have a long history of creating solutions for any mission scenario – no matter how challenging.
Working with us, you can be certain that you have the best partner in signature management.
Engineering services – specialists on all sensor threats
With over half a century’s signature management experience, Saab's high competence and expertise are applied to every solution we produce.