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Saab Global

GlobalEye, from vision to operation

11 min read

Saab's extensive experience in the Airborne segment show that you constantly need to look into the future so that neither rapidly evolving threats nor changing customer needs, come as a surprise. This stance made Saab recognize a growing need for more capable, efficient and cost-effective airborne surveillance solutions. There and then, the idea of ​​an AEW&C system with GlobalEye's capabilities was born. Here we share the nine years story of GlobalEye's way from vision to operation.

But let us start from the beginning. 

As one of a few companies in the world with the ability to develop modern fighter aircraft, naval vessels, submarines, command & control systems as well as advanced sensors, we know first-hand that the demands on the people, systems and strategies that nations rely on for safety and security, are extremely high. To stay ahead you need to continuously develop your abilities to provide early warning about potential threats and deviations in the air, at sea and on the ground. 

With an airborne solution like GlobalEye, the horizon moves away the higher up you go, and thereby you are able to control a radically larger volume of the airspace.

Airborne early warning is particularly important. Because airborne surveillance systems have significantly better range than land based or maritime radar systems which are limited by the horizon and the curvature of the earth. With an airborne solution like GlobalEye, the horizon moves away the higher up you go, and thereby you are able to control a radically larger volume of the airspace.

A good idea and a smart solution

In the case of GlobalEye it was not about inventing everything from scratch. It was about leaning into Saab’s long-term expertise and mixing exceptional engineering with innovation, to bring together, develop and advance already proven systems, technologies and knowledge to create a new unmatched solution. 

The platform of choice was the Global 6000/6500 series from Bombardier  – a high performing, ultra-long-range business jet that lends itself well to conversion to serve as an airborne surveillance asset. With long endurance and an operational altitude of approximately thirty thousand feet it provides the capabilities and the advantage of being able to detect and identify different objects and signals at very long distances and then track them for as long as it takes. In fact, GlobalEye can detect, identify and track a huge number of different objects and signals in the air, at sea and over the ground. At distances of up to 350 NM or 650 km. 


As the most modern and advanced airborne early warning and control solution available on the market today, it ensures that a nation’s air, maritime and ground forces, individually or in different types of joint operations, can benefit from having a true and joint picture, allowing them to sustain operations and optimize mission effects.

Multi-role – a familiar concept to Saab

Many countries already have some sort of airborne surveillance capability, but probably it is based on several different systems specialised to work in one domain or one mission specific role. It goes without saying that it is costly to keep several different systems and platforms up to date. But not only that. The information that these various platforms generate are part of an overall picture of the situation. This means the information must be collected, managed, coordinated and fused, which takes time. Lessons learned tell us that the more steps, systems and people that are involved in a process, the greater the risk of mistakes, misinterpretations and inaccuracies.

Saab had a completely different idea – instead of driving in old ruts, why not think completely new and create a single platform with the ability to perform all these tasks and missions, seamlessly and in a fully integrated solution. And so we did.

Today nine customers worldwide are operating Saab’s AEW&C systems and benefit greately from the increased security and safety capabilities they provide.

How was that possible? We know aircraft, we know sensors and we are well experienced in integration of advanced and complex system of systems environments. Based on more than a 35-year experience and a well proven step-by-step development philosophy – spiral development as we call it – we are constantly pioneering the field of airborne surveillance with smart and innovative solutions. GlobalEye is one example, the Erieye/Erieye ER radars, which are available on four different platforms, another. Today nine customers worldwide are operating Saab’s AEW&C systems and benefit greately from the increased security and safety capabilities they provide.

From business jet to airborne gatekeeper

So how does one go about turning a modern business jet into a state-of-the-art surveillance platform. It is of course a tough task, but as we at Saab have extensive experience in developing both civil and military aircraft, we have the skills, knowledge and tools required.

The process begins with the delivery of a completed Global 6000/6500 to Saab's facility in Linköping, where it undergoes extensive modifications to be able to carry sensors, communications, self-protection and command & control systems.

Modifications include strengthening of the airframe to accommodate the Erieye ER radar antenna, wingtip modifications for mounting of electronic warfare equipment, and additional fairings and radomes for the remaining sensor suites.

There are also aerodynamic alterations, including an extended tailfin along with additional vertical stabilizers and ventral fins located beneath the rear fuselage to enhance tail surface efficiency. Additional power and cooling equipment are also fitted.

To ensure high survivability, GlobalEye are also equipped with a powerful self-protection suite comprising laser and radar warning receivers, as well as countermeasures dispensers.

The core

The basis and the core of the GlobalEye solution and its ability to provide cross-domain awareness, exchange and connectivity, is founded primarily on two things. 

The first is the powerful command and control system (C2) with an intuitive human-machine interface and capabilities for multi-domain surveillance and real-time information. This system can process and analyse massive amounts of data and disseminate it in an automated and efficient way. 

The second is the unique mix of advanced active and passive sensors that allow detection and tracking of large numbers of objects – in the air, at sea and over land – simultaneously. In fact, GlobalEye can detect and track aircraft of all shapes and sizes, military as well as civil, cruise missiles and helicopters and even significantly smaller objects such as drones – in contested environments as well as from great distance. It can even distinguish between birds and drones and contest swarms of drones.

This gives GlobalEye an unparalleled flexibility. While superbly equipped for wartime missions, its inherent flexibility also makes it a valuable asset for regular peacetime operations, whether the goal is to enable and ensure territorial integrity, maintain the strategic and tactical upper hand over air, sea and land or enhancing the effectiveness of other resources by providing a recognized air picture, access to airborne sensors is key. This makes GlobalEye not only a valuable tactical asset but also a strategic one, with the ability to benefit an entire nation.

The key component

The Erieye Extended Range radar is the key component of the sensor mix. Based on an existing Saab design it was developed with extended range to fit the GlobalEye concept. 

How far a radar can see is not only about the altitude at which it operates. It is also a matter of how it is constructed. When microwaves are sent through a radar element, heat is generated, the more heat it can withstand, the longer the range of the radar. The problem is just finding materials that can handle these high amounts of energy without being destroyed. 


The solution was an innovative surface coating called Gallium Nitride (GaN). A material Saab was involved in researching. By using it as a surface coating on the radar elements in the Erieye ER, it was possible to transmit a radar signal with significantly more energy than previously achievable. And more energy means longer range.

Multi-role for multi mission

Today nine customers worldwide are operating Saab’s AEW&C systems and benefit greately from the increased security and safety capabilities they provide.

The high degree of sensor configurability, and the ability to perform multi-domain surveillance, as well as signal intelligence, in a single solution, means GlobalEye can operate in both dedicated and fully optimized roles as well as in combined ones. This provides the advantage of being able to instantly change between any of the roles, at any time during a mission, utilising the on-board systems in the most flexible and efficient way.

To ensure and secure operator performance, all tactical functions are simultaneously accessible from any operator workstation. The intuitive mission system also provides a high degree of automatic system support for the tactical applications, which provide the crew with effective means to rapidly adapt to the dynamics of the mission.

Sharing a true and joint picture

The diversity of sensors and the ability to provide secure, real-time exchange of information between co-operating tactical units on land, in the air and at sea, makes GlobalEye a powerful force multiplier. It makes way for a nation’s air, maritime and ground forces to benefit greatly from having a true and joint picture, allowing them to better sustain operations and fulfil missions with desired effect.

With GlobalEye you can effectively collect, process and distribute the right information, at the right time, to the right place. Not only to your own forces or the airborne forces available, but to all authorities and assets engaged in an operation. GlobalEye facilitates effective sharing of information between everyone involved and can also direct and manage other assets, for instance fighters, and provide them with information on threats, targets, when and where to act. This will significantly shorten the time from detection to action and show the advantage of having GlobalEye as an airborne command centre.

Making awareness a national asset

Predicting the nature and scope of future conflicts and security challenges is no easy task. But one thing is for sure, to safeguard the people, integrity, security and economy of a nation you need to be in control and informed of what is going on – in the air, on the ground, at sea.

This means that national and global security challenges require awareness based on access to and provision of timely and accurate information to national authorities in order to maintain peace and stability. GlobalEye is the only AEW&C solution on the market today that can provide such long-range air, sea and land surveillance in real time from a single platform. 

The awareness provided by GlobalEye effectively support governments and military forces and benefits an entire nation – whether in times of peace, crisis or conflict.

This means, with GlobalEye in the arsenal, effectiveness of other resources can be enhanced and a nation’s ability to maintain the strategic and tactical upper hand of air, sea and land will be dramatically improved. That way, the awareness provided by GlobalEye effectively support governments and military forces and benefits an entire nation – whether in times of peace, crisis or conflict.

Future proofed is sustainable

Saab’s philosophy regarding sensor development is based on a spiral development concept. This means that there is a constantly on-going, step-by-step development process that continuously will provide upgrades, improvements and smart innovations to counter new and more advanced threats as well as making sure the GlobalEye user will stay ahead and benefit from the solution during its entire lifecycle. 

Eight ordered, five in operation, three underway.

Describing GlobalEye as a success story is no overstatement. Rather the opposite. Even though the design phase started just nine years ago, GlobalEye is already in operation and production is ongoing for multiple contracts. To date, a total of eight aircraft have been ordered and five delivered.

It all started November 15, 2015, when Saab signed a contract that made the UAE the launch customer for GlobalEye. The signing took place at Dubai Airshow and the contract covered the development and delivery of two GlobalEye Swing Role Surveillance Solutions (SRSS) for the UAE Air Force & Air Defence. In the coming years Saab was awarded two follow-on contracts for three additional GlobalEye SRSS. All five GlobalEye SRSS have been delivered during the last five years. This means that it took us less than nine years from vision to operation. Probably some kind of record. Definitely well within the timeframe.

More than 1,000 in-house competencies are involved in design, production and support of the GlobalEye, ensuring unmatched performance. Our close and well-established collaboration with the UAE and the recent order from The Swedish Defence Materiel Administration for three GlobalEye reconnaissance and command aircraft with a delivery period of 2024 to 2029, secure the production capabilities and the continuity of the technology development of GlobalEye, for decades to come.

In other words, the GlobalEye story continues.