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Saab Global
Gripen C

Gripen Users Group Meets in Salvador

2 min read

Attended by delegations from Brazil, Sweden, Hungary, Czech Republic and Thailand, the Gripen Users Group meeting was organised after a long break due to the pandemic.


The aim of the Gripen User Group Meeting is bring together all Gripen operators to discuss and analyse Gripen operation, productivity and logistics. The users also share best practices and discuss challenges encountered during the fighter's operation.

The meeting is usually divided into working groups. For examples, one working group may discuss acquisition, development and operations of Gripen while the other one - consisting of squadron commanders and security inspectors - discusses issues like flight security.

Every Gripen operator has their own experiences of operating Gripen. During a meeting like this, Gripen operators learn about different things e.g. how is it like operating the fighter in different climatic conditions or how to streamline processes to achieve maximum flight and combat performance.

“The Gripen Users Group meeting is an event of great relevance as it allows countries that operate the Gripen aircraft to share experiences, discuss and seek solutions to issues related to the development and monitoring of the respective project in addition to strengthening ties between friendly nations,” says Brigadeiro Soares, the Head of the 3SC of EMAER who participated in the recent meeting.

Gripen's latest customer, The Brazilian Air Force, has been attending Gripen Users Group Meetings since 2017.

The Gripen Users Group Meeting was held between 8th and 12th November 2021.

Read the full story here.