Welcome to Saab’s Yearly Gripen Seminar in Stockholm
Defence and security company Saab is pleased to invite media, financial analysts and investors to the yearly Gripen seminar in Stockholm, 12 March 2015. During the seminar, Saab will give an update on the current status of the Gripen programme.
Sweden has ordered 60 Gripen E and a contract with Brazil on 36 Gripen NG was signed in October 2014. The interest for both Gripen E and Gripen C/D is increasing around the world.
The yearly Gripen seminar 2015 gives an update on the status of the programme.
Ulf Nilsson, head of Saab business area Aeronautics.
Jerker Ahlqvist, head of business unit Gripen.
Time: Thursday, 12 March 2015 at 8.30-9.30 CET (breakfast is served from 8.00)
Place: Stockholm Waterfront.
RSVP 9 March to Saab Press Centre: presscentre@saabgroup.com
For questions, please contact helene.lindstrand@saabgroup.com +46734187033.
The seminar will be broadcasted live on http://saab-seminar.creo.se/150312. It is possible to post questions also over the web. All presentations, the webcast included, will be published on Saab’s web site. The seminar will be held in English.
For further information, please contact:
Saab Press Centre,
+46 (0)734 180 018,
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Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions within military defence and civil security. Saab has operations and employees on all continents around the world. Through innovative, collaborative and pragmatic thinking, Saab develops, adopts and improves new technology to meet customers’ changing needs.