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Saab Global

Lars Granlöf new CFO for Saab

Saab strengthens its management with the new post of CFO (Chief Financial Officer). Lars Granlöf will be responsible for the structural and economic control of Saab.

“We must move onto the offensive and continue to meet our profit targets. I am sure that Lars Granlöf will be an excellent addition to the Group management team”, says Åke Svensson, Saab CEO.

The new post of CFO is part of the continuance effort for a more effective Saab that has been going on for several years, not least with several new major deals and important acquisitions. At present Lars Granlöf is Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at Gambro, and will take up his position at Saab on the 1st of June 2007.

“Saab is a very exciting, high technology company with interesting products, which will be enjoyable to work with”, says Lars Granlöf.

Lars Granlöf has worked at Gambro since the mid 1990s, and has been the CFO of the company since 1999. Under his leadership Gambro has received several awards for its financial work, including being selected as CFO of the year by the business magazine Affärsvärlden.

Besides the assignment of Lars Granlöf, the structure of the Group Management will remain unchanged.

For further information, please contact:
Helena Stålnert, Group Senior Vice President, Communications, Saab
Telephone: +46 (0)8 463 01 81, +46 (0)734 18 71 81